Last Updated on: 30th March 2023, 09:23 pm

We’re so excited that spring has finally arrived. However, with some of the bad weather we’ve been experiencing lately, we wanted to share some spring weather safety tips with our customers. You never know when or where these might come in handy!

Spring Weather Safety Tip #1: Be Prepared

Though tornados are not as common in West Texas as they are in the Panhandle and the DFW metroplex, it’s still important to be prepared. Discuss a safety plan with your family. The likelihood of having a basement in this area is pretty slim. However, identify a part of your house on the lowest floor on the interior of your home that is away from any windows. A bathroom or interior closet are usually safe bets.

Additionally, it’s important to prepare a small bag with water, non-perishable snacks, a first aid kit, flashlight with extra batteries, and other necessities. Keep it in a place that is near or in the designated shelter area.

It’s also important to have a contingency plan for vehicles, outdoor valuables, and especially outdoor pets. Make sure that your furry friends have adequate shelter in case you aren’t home to bring them indoors.

Spring Weather Safety Tip #2: Stay Out Of The Weather

Driving is a necessity in West Texas. However, it’s important to stay advised about weather conditions. Do not drive in gusty winds (yes, we realize that can be hard to do), tornado watch/warning conditions, or in areas that have a high risk of flash floods or that are prone to wildfires. It’s important to be aware of your surroundings at all times.

Keep an eye out for lightening strikes, booms of thunder, and swirling skies. These are all indicative of impending bad weather. It’s also important to protect yourself again hail and other flying debris.

Spring Weather Safety Tip #3: Communicate

Often, weather conditions can do a complete flip-flop from what is predicted. If you notice storms building or super gusty conditions, be sure to report them to your loved ones. Many times, people, especially those who are working indoors, do not realize that conditions are worsening outside.

While this blog post is a big off-topic from our routine moving posts, the team at Brothers wants all of our clients, whether they’re moving in or out of the area, to utilize these spring weather safety tips.